Despite the prevalence of social media channels, sending information via email is still a powerful tool for marketing and information distribution. Businesses and content creators can benefit from regular, high-quality newsletters.

Let’s put your email list to good use and partner on a newsletter that delivers true value to your reader and to you.

I have experience not only crafting the message but using various content management systems to design and distribute your newsletter on your behalf.

Newsletters I’ve produced:

- A weekly newsletter to over 10,000 hospital employees with crucial information, general news, and professional opportunities
- A weekly newsletter to several hundred high-level employees outlining relevant legislative and regulatory issues
- Twice weekly newsletters to over 1,500 subscribers

Want to double dip with your content? I also offer social media posting as an add-on service.

My favorite newsletters

Sunday Snippets | Ali Abdaal
Morning Brew
Atomic Habits Newsletter | James Clear
The Daily Stoic | Ryan Holiday